Sweet as: an Open Window

About 6 weeks ago, just one week before my birthday, I was notified that my job was being eliminated. Having worked (my tail off) for this company for 6 years, I wasn’t necessarily surprised by the announcement- it pays to watch for trends – but I still found it unsettling. Who likes to be told that the job they created and inhabited for that long is no longer necessary? But once I got past the shock and anger, I had to let my teams know about the upcoming changes, and, honestly, telling them was much harder than getting the news myself. I felt – I still feel – protective of the guys who worked for me, and I want them to continue to be happy and successful.

For the first few days, I vacillated between outrage and reprieve. I also spoke with a number of colleagues, partners, and mentors to let each of them know, and it helped me immensely to get their varied perspectives on it. I heard the phrase, “When a door closes, a window opens” quite a few times – I dismissed it out-of-hand each time because it felt trite and banal. It was the thing people choose to say when they don’t know how else to respond. “Surely there is something better for you around the corner.” It didn’t feel comforting; rather, it felt flat.

As I took in the feedback from friends and nestled into reality, I started to see this for what it really was: a gift. My former company had given me the gift of freedom – freedom to decide what I really wanted to be doing, freedom to explore greater possibilities, freedom to take back the parts of my life that had been sacrificed slowly over time. They were actually giving me my life back, and once I started to see it more clearly this way – instead of through a lens of irritation – a sense of overwhelming relief settled over me. Relief and peace of mind and, frankly, happiness.

I am now well past any frustration or disappointment with the decision that was made, and I’ve finished my time with my employer. With space and clarity, I have been able to choose my future and start making plans. It would have been nearly impossible to pursue this next adventure while still working! I am grateful for the time I now have to focus on making it happen.

And those platitudes about a door closing and a window opening? I’m a believer.

But don’t take it from me – take it from Grouplove:

“Been wondering, I take a chance
That chance is circumstance
Cause nothing ever comes without a change

Welcome to your life, yeah, yeah
It could be a fantasy, yeah, yeah
Welcome to your world, my girl
Let it be your fantasy, oh yeah”

2 Replies to “Sweet as: an Open Window”

  1. Nothing comes without a change….I can’t wait to see the world through your eyes.

    I’ll be following you every step of the way, the world is waiting to meet you.

    Love ya girl…

    1. rsschlanger@gmail.com says: Reply

      Thank you, Claudia! It’s going to be a wonderful adventure, and I appreciate support from dear friends like you!

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